All posts by Bluestar

Informasi Pelatihan Food Handling MLC 2006


Informasi – Terdapat beberapa tempat pelatihan masak yang dapat Anda datangi di Jakarta. Menyalurkan hoby masak memanglah mesti didasari dengan pengetahuan mengenai kuliner serta langkah penyajiannya. Suka memasak serta bikin kue adalah aktivitas positif yang dapat diperkembang jadi inspirasi usaha.

Jakarta adalah kota sejuta kuliner, angka perkembangan pebisnis masakan makin bertambah. Mengingat pasar bidang ini dapat makin besar, termasuk instansi pendidikan serta pelatihan yang tawarkan program kursus memasak senantiasa ramai didatangi siswa baru.

Sekarang ini slogan cooking is the way of life makin ramai. Ya,  Kebanyakan orang suka  masakan mereka sendiri. Sebab, kadang-kadang kita jemu dengan makanan yang senantiasa sama. Terlebih, masak bukanlah sekedar hanya memuaskan lapar, namun adalah seni kuliner yang bikin kenikmatan sendiri bila kita dapat mewujudkannya. Umpamanya dengan bikin resep sendiri  yang enak di lidah serta cantik dilihat. Bukanlah sekedar hanya kenikmatan pribadi, langkah setelah itu dengan belajar bikin kue ataupun dessert bisa jadikan tempat untuk melakukan bisnis serta membuahkan banyak duit.

Di sisi lain, dengan mengikuti kursus masak, maka kita berinvestasi untuk jangka panjang. Misalnya, kita dapat ilmu yang bisa dikembangkan sebagai langkah untuk memulai bisnis.

1.  Kursus  Masak

WA: +62 85 81 04 70 538


Biaya Kursus : Rp.1.500.000 s/d Rp.3000.000 termasuk bahan bahan kursus
Website :

Pelatihan Food Handling MLC 2006

Biaya Pelatihan Food Handling

Mlc 2006  dan food Safety  Ship’s Cook / Steward  : 1.500.000,-  Biaya tersebut  sudah termasuk, Modul, Alat Tulis, makan siang, snacks  dan coffe time. Waktu pelatihan kurang lebih 6 jam dalam setiap training mengenai waktu pelatihan dan jadwal training anda bisa menghubingi no dibawah ini,

Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut  bisa menghubungi kami di no

Message Info:  +62 85 81 04 70 53 8


Food Handling MLC 2006

Food Handling MLC 2006 adalah lembaga pelatihan yang diperuntukan Juru masak (Ship’s Cook), Steward (Messboy) kapal dan Pelatihan HACCP yang mengacu pada peraturan MLC 2006 yang telah teratifikasi acuan dari ILO (International Labour Organization) Convention No. 69 tahun 1946 yang telah diratifikasi melalui Keppres nomor 4 tahun 1992 tentang sertifikasi bagi Juru Masak Kapal. Food Handling mencakup tentang tata cara pengolahan makanan, kebersihan makan dan penanganan makanan untuk mencegah kontaminasi keracunan makanan terhadap salah penanganan.

Food Handling dan Food Safety MLC 2006

Blue Star Training CenterBlue Star Training Center Was founded in January 2015 and has been listed in Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration , We also listed in Environmental Health Australia (EHA)

We designed to fulfill standard Annex 3.2 Para 4 of Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) 2006.

It provides trained seafaring personnel who are assigned to perform the cook duties onboard merchant ships.

Continue reading Food Handling dan Food Safety MLC 2006

Food Safety Online Training

Food Safety Online Training dengan metode CBT ( Computer Based Test ) yang di lengkapi dengan softcopy serta video belajar untuk memudahkan peserta dalam mengerjakan dan menerapkan nya meskipun untuk pemula

Blue Star Training Center build Fodd Safety online course is  for use on all the whole  countries and is based on international food safety standards EHA in this case I’m Alert for all food bussines , and recognized best practices in food safety.

What is I’m alert ?

I’M ALERT Food Safety online Training is a program that various organisations  subscribe to and deliver FREE food safety training to the food handlers within our local authority.

Food Safety enables a consistent and efficient delivery of Food Safety Training. The program can be accessed online, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week and includes:

  • Sections reflecting the basic food safety principles as outlined in the Food Safety Standards (Eg. Temperature Control, Food Receipt, Food Storage, Hygiene of Food Handlers etc.)
  • Ability to only select the sections that are relevant to your role
  • Interactive tasks and quizzes
  • “Remind me” option (prompts a user to conduct the training again after a nominated time period)
  • “Notify” option (enables a user to notify others of their completion of the training program)


The training program will be branded with the title and logo of your organisation. Your organisation’s title and logo will appear on the header in the program and on all printouts (checklists, training acknowledgement form and certificate). An A4 promotional brochure will be branded with the title and logo of your organisation.

This course also includes documents that explain  specific food safety requirements. This online course is convenient and easy to use for new and experienced food handler supervisors, managers or staff, who need food safety certificate .

For detail information please contact Us



International Cooking Course

International Cooking  course in Blue Star Training Center provides an opportunity to interact with and learn from very successful, highly qualified and experienced professionals and master chefs.

It also allows you to enter a profession which will continue to prosper for as long as society demands food.


Benefits :

  • Fast track your career or business plans into catering & cooking
  • Learn the inside secrets of how to become a caterer in months not years!
  • Study a catering and cooking course that was designed in conjunction with senior members of the profession
  • Free up valuable time, don’t waste time and money travelling to classes
  • Study at your own pace whenever and wherever you are
  • Have access to a tutor who works in the industry you are training for


Food Handling For Seafarer

Food Handling for Seaferer Standard Annex 3.2  MLC 2006

This Food Handling  Annex 3.2  MLC 2006 Purpose  : To ensure that seafarers have access to good quality food and drinking water provided under regulated hygienic conditions

1. Shall adopt laws and regulations or other measures to provide minimum standards for the quantity and quality of food and drinking water and for the catering standards that apply to meals provided to seafarers on ships that fly its flag, and shall undertake educational activities to promote awareness and implementation of the standards referred to in this paragraph.

2. Each Persons shall ensure that ships that fly its flag meet the following minimum standards :  Continue reading Food Handling For Seafarer